
My grandmother, Eva.

You would never know the trauma of her early years just by looking at her.

My grandmother was only an adolescent when the Nazis came to power. She and her sister were able to hide in Budapest, and were lucky to survive the war.

My grandmother and her sister were able to reunite with her father and brother after the war, but her mother and baby brother were killed in Auschwitz.

My grandparents got married and lived in Romania after the war, but when Communism didn't allow them to live as Jews they chose to leave. They packed up what little belongings they could, and with their two babies in tow, they left to start a new life in America (via Austria, because you needed to wait for a sponsor back then).

My grandparents settled in Boro Park, a very "Jewish" section of Brooklyn, NY and she still lives there today.

Despite the trauma she endured, she overcame many obstacles to live a happy life of freedom in America. We were raised to appreciate the luxuries we have in this country, because of what the previous generation went through.

Having lived through the Holocaust, she is very concerned about the rise in Antisemetism in America (and worldwide).