
My 21 year old daughter Jesse, without whom this show would not be possible.

Jesse is an incredible person, and the best daughter one can hope to raise. She has always been an honor student, despite her challenges at home. She was an only child until she was 10 years old, and then became the big sister to three younger siblings whom she has helped care for and loves. She watched the man who raised her struggle with mental illness and eventually succumb to it. She watched an elderly family member struggle with dementia, and helped care for him until his death. She also lives on the cusp of two worlds, the interfaith home that she grew up in as well as the ultra religious family that I left, and has had to figure out where she belongs.

Jesse not only experienced the chaotic roller coaster of living with someone who was Bipolar for whom medication was not working, she also lost her father her sophomore year of college, as well as lost the “college experience” and the remainder of her childhood. She was forced to grow up quick, and to assume responsibilities that were beyond her age in order for the family to survive. She still managed to keep her grades up in the college honors program despite all the insanity she was living thru.

I am extremely grateful to her, as without her help this show would not have been possible.